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刘佩琪女士作为聚思(中美清洁能源合作组织)的主席, 被誉为推进中国绿色化发展进程的领军者。


  • Organized the MIT Forum on the Future of Energy in China from which JUCCCE was formed. This forum was the first public dialogue between US and Chinese government officials on clean energy in China, just as China was just starting to look seriously at greening itself. China quickly became the world leader in renewable energy investments.

  • Introduced Smart Grid to China and catalyzed the revolution of electricity distribution to allow for renewable energies and energy efficiency at scale. Now China is the world leader in implementing Smart Grid innovations.

  • Educated 1000 Chinese government leaders (mayors and central government) on how to build sustainable cities with the earliest trainings on "ecocity development". This curriculum helped shape eco-city trends in China. Now China is leading the world in building sustainable cities.

  • Catalysed China’s change from incandescent lighting to energy efficient lighting, the largest leverage point in saving energy. Now China is the world leader in LEDs.

  • Created the China Dream initiative in 2010 to reimagine prosperity for sustainable consumerism. "China Dream" is now the national slogan. A healthy environment is now embedded into the national priority and identity of China.

  • Launched Food Heroes in 2013, teaching young kids and parents to eat in a way that is good for themselves and the planet. Now China's diets are incorporating more planetary friendly foods and food waste policies are strictly implemented.

Peggy is a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader. She was awarded the "Nobel" of climate change, the "Hillary Step". The Economist called her "one of the most innovative thinkers in Asia." Previously, she was a venture capitalist and founded one of the earliest ecommerce companies in Silicon Valley. A "Red Herring" cover story dubbed her an "Internet Pioneer". She started her career as an MIT-trained engineer and McKinsey consultant.

Peggy dedicates her life to personal and planetary health. She believes that the most helpful skill is heart-based storytelling, and that cultural translators will have the most important roles of the next generation.

Boards and Other Appointments


Peggy is a Distinguished Professor at China Academy of Governance, a lecturer at China Executive Leadership Academy of Pudong, and the National Academy for Mayors of China. She is a board member of Project Drawdown, an advisor to the FTSE Environmental Markets Committee, EAT Forum and Volans, a Governor of the Hillary Institute. She is a Thought Leader at Criticaleye CEO network. She served as an executive advisor to Marks & Spencer, an advisor to PWC China, a sustainability advisor to HP, a member of the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Councils on Sustainable Consumption 2012-13 and on New Energy Architecture 2011-12, and an energy adviser to the Clinton Global Initiative in 2008. She is a recurring judge for The Circulars at Davos (circular economy) and the Hult Prize (social entrepreneurship at college level).


Prior to JUCCCE she was an early-stage venture capitalist in Shanghai. In the 1990's Peggy was recognized as an Internet pioneer on the cover of 'Red Herring Hits'. She headed Channel A, one of the earliest e-commerce companies in Silicon Valley. Other executive positions in Silicon Valley included General Manager of Consumer Applications at Zaplet, a dynamic email communications platform, and VP of Marketing at Peggy also served as a management consultant at McKinsey (, a product manager for Internet Chameleon- the first Windows software that used a graphical user interface to surfing the Internet, a product manager for Symantec C++ and Norton OEM products, and a programmer on ISDN modems at Codex Motorola.


  • 2007年,刘佩琪女士在中国成功组织举办了“麻省理工大学中国未来能源”论坛,也正是通过这个论坛她组建成立了聚思。该论坛是中国与美国政府官员间就清洁能源问题展开的第一公开对话,同时也正式这个时候,中国开始真正践行绿色化发展。

  • 同一年,她启动了聚思的智能电网项目,将智能电网正式引入中国;2009年中国国家电网公司启动了到2020年全国实现“坚强智能电网”的三阶段路线图,据估算有超过7.2亿美元的资金投入了中国智能电网的发展。

  • 围绕如何打造可持续的宜居城市议题,刘佩琪女士培训了总计1000余名市长级别的中国政府官员。她被国家行政学院授予特聘教授,并在中国浦东干部学院和市长之家授课。

  • 成功推广使用节能灯泡,加速节能灯泡在中国的普及。

  • 2010年创造“中国梦” 倡议,倡导中国重新定义繁荣和并推广可持续消费理念,“中国梦”已于2012年成为家喻户晓的口号

  • 2013年发起了中国首个全面儿童健康食品教育项目,彩虹特工队。

  • 优家画报2019时代女性


刘佩琪被中国国家行政学院授予特聘教授称号,此外她还在上海浦东干部学院和全国市长之家为市长级官员授课。 刘佩琪是“Drawdown计划”的理事会成员、并在斯德哥尔摩食品论坛、飞鱼星公司希拉里领导力学院担任顾问。她同时还是富时环境指数委员会成员,P2P经理人平台Criticaleye思想领袖成员。刘佩琪在多家跨国企业担任顾问职务,其中包括玛莎百货和惠普公司,她还曾于2008年任克林顿全球倡议能源顾问,2011-12年担任新能源建筑顾问,2012-13年,担任世界经济论坛可持续消费全球议程委员会成员。她为多家首次进入中国市场的跨国企业和国际机构提供咨询服务,其中包括杜克能源和新西兰贸易发展局。她同时还为多家大型跨国企业如联合利华和达能食品的可持续发展创新提供咨询服务。作为倡导中国绿色发展的主要发声人之一,刘佩琪女士荣获世界经济论坛全球青年领袖称号、中美外交政策关系塑造者、2012年希拉里学院应对气候变化解决方案获奖得主、2008年《时代》杂志“环保英雄”称号、2010年应对气候变化领袖希拉里桂冠获得者、2010年《福布斯》杂志“亚洲最值得关注的女性”、2011年《赫芬顿邮报》“现今最棒的人物”、 2012年《中国商业新闻周刊》“中国50位顶尖创新商业领袖”、2014年上海杰出人物奖。在中国媒体,她曾多次以绿色领袖的身份出现在众多媒体封面上,例如《瞭望东方》关于中国梦的报道、《环球时报》“绿色女神”、《北京闲聊者》“绿色奇迹”主题、《卫报》“气候变化废奴主义者”、Vogue 中国“让世界变得更好的三位女性”、《心理月刊》“十大年度绿手帕大奖主题”、2012年《费嘉罗》“顶级生活奖”、2013年《旭茉》“最成功的女性” 、2014年L’Officiel “中国最成功的女性”。刘佩琪女士经常受邀在世界经济论坛以及TED大会中发表主旨演讲,她同时还经常受邀出现在英国广播公司BBC,美国探索发现频道和其他广播电视媒体中。此外,刘佩琪女士还在以下三部纪录短片中出镜:“逐步前行:女性领导者们的历程” 关注社会责任感,“让城市改变糖尿病”,“追日”关注太阳能产业。多年来,她一直在达沃斯论坛循环经济奖担任评审委员会委员,此外她还是霍特奖(面向大学本科阶段学生的社会企业家赛事)的固定评委。

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