China Dream
Safe food, air and water; vibrant living; liveable communities; opportunities to move forward by drawing upon our past. This is the China Dream. We developed the China Dream in 2010 as an initiative which aligns prosperity with sustainability and planetary health. Our goal is to help China and its citizens pursue a national identity based around an environmentally friendly lifestyle.
Reinventing Consumerism in China
The middle class in China is projected to double in the next decade. This increased purchasing power corresponding to China’s rising annual per-capita income has led to equally rapidly rising consumption. As China has become the largest consumer market in the world, the need for sustainability to be injected into the definition of consumerism in China has become especially evident. In conjunction with leading behaviour change experts, JUCCCE developed the China Dream to breathe life into the concept of sustainable consumerism and bring it into national consciousness.

Turning a Dream into Reality
The China Dream embodies our aim to drive a social movement which will transform consumerism. As an organisation, JUCCCE has targeted the highest levels of collaboration in order to implement a societal change across China. JUCCCE has formed a collaborative vision in which we play the role of a convening platform.
Our framework begins with branding the dream. We have worked with Edelman Pegasus public relations firm and storytellers to brand the China Dream and create the initial narrative for a variety of audiences. The next step involves voicing the dream - we have replaced sustainability jargon with culturally relevant and appealing language with a focus on a “Happy and Harmonious” lifestyle. In order to further this initiative, we have visualised a set of visual lexicon to make the dream “tangible and irresistible” to the Chinese public. As an organisation, we are aware of the short window of opportunity for a new model lifestyle to take hold while China’s middle class emerges.
Our efforts to shape the image of the modern green consumer has inspired similar programs in other regions. A “UK Dream” effort has been launched using the insights from the China Dream. The China Dream has already been activated and its impact will continue to advance in years to come.
This project was co-chaired by Shanghai Jiaotong University Arts & Humanities Institute and JUCCCE, and was funded in part by the Urban China Initiative, a partnership between Columbia University, The School of Public Policy and Management of Tsinghua University, and McKinsey & Company.
We're also grateful for the support of Elizabeth Riley fellowship, Dennis and Connie Keller fellowship, Don Dixon fellowship.
These passionate team of contributors across sectors and around the world have made the JUCCCE China Dream possible:
Miranda Ballentine, Henry Barmeier, Marc Bolland, Julian Borra, Danah Boyd, Rahul Burman, Steven Cao, Ben Cavender, Cliff Champion, Elizabeth Chan, Christine Chen, David Cheng 成啸, Sean Cleary, Paul Dien, Bob Elton, Mark Evans, Lyndsey Garcia, Karl Gerth, Richard Gilles, Minji Gwak, Godert van Hardenbroek, Patric Hennigan, Cheryl Hicks, Julian Himes, Richard Hsu, Jared Huke, Eileen Hur, Lucy Huang, Jessica Jinn, Jared Huke, Fréd Johnśon, Frederick Johnson, Fred Johnson, Jr., Frebrina Johnson, Jane Kendall, Gail Klintworth, Adam Knight, Sarah Kochling, Steve Kohn, Kaiser Kuo, Peter Lacy, Angus Li, Nancy Li, Cheng Lin, John Liu, Julia Liu, Kang Liu, Leonard Liu, Peggy Liu, Yangmingxi Ma, Neville Mars, Tatsuo Masuda, Charlie Mathews, Espen Mehlum, Dana Miller, Zhao Xue Ming, Olivier Oullier, Kevin Osborne, Dan Pei, Jonathan Porritt, Chen Qian, Maria Rabinovich, Florian Reber, Shaun Rein, Nial Rele, Bradford Richardson, James Roy, Jonah Sachs, Guowei Shou, Kunal Sinha, Tom Song, Scott Spirit, Dejan Sundic, Nina Trentmann, Burcu Tuncer, Vijay Vaitheeswaran, Ray Wang, Lord Nat Wei, Wei Wei, Adam Werbach, Lisa Witter, Jonathan Woetzel, Vicky Grinnell-Wright, Anson Wu, Yan Nailing, Prem Varatharajan, Helen Wang, Dr. Ping Wang, Ruru Wang, Isabella Wenschler, Cole Wheeler, Eva Xie, Mengyi Xu, Phoebus Xu, Gao Yan, Van Yang, Alex Yang, Dr. Zhenlin Yang, Karl Yoder, Henry Yuan, Su Yunsheng, Matthew Zedler, Mei Mei Zeprun, David Zhang, Gengtian Zhang Junjie Zhang, Keiss Zhang, Xueming Zhao, Chenyu Zheng, Ye Zhi, Ping Zhou, Manuela Zoninsein.
Also thanks to our friends at:
World Economic Forum New Energy Architecture Global Agenda Council
World Economic Forum Sustainable Consumption Global Agenda Council
World Economic Forum Young Global Leaders Energy Task Force
World Economic Forum Sustainable Consumption Forum at Davos
China Executive Leadership Academy of Pudong
Center for Sustainable Consumption and Production
Saatchi & Saatchi (led by Julian Borra, Jane Kendall, and Adam Werbach)
Edelman China (led by Steven Cao and Tom Song)
Ogilvy China (led by Kunal Sinha)
Shanghai Jiaotong University, Arts and Humanities Institute (led by Liu Kang)
Shanghai Tonji Urban Planning Institute (led by Su Yunsheng)
Alto-Tonji Design Center
Sino-Finnish Center
Urban China magazine
Marks & Spencers (led by Marc Bolland and Richard Gillies)
Etopia Building Development (led by Su Yunsheng)
naked Retreats (led by Grant Horsfield)
Studio Shanghai (led by Delphine Yip)
JinTai Art Museum (led by Henry Yuan)