Financial Times: China is Building Faster Than it Can Teach its People to Go Green
Andrew Edgecliffe-Johnson of the Financial Times quotes JUCCCE Chairperson Peggy Liu in his article on air pollution in Wuhan. I was...

Ensia: A Path Forward for International Climate Talks
Peggy Liu writes for independent magazine Ensia in the lead up to the Paris climate talks on the drastic changes needed for the talks to...

Die Welt: China's Struggle for More Green Electricity
Nina Trentmann from Germany’s national newspaper Die Welt consults JUCCCE Chairperson Peggy Liu on China’s struggle to move away from...

Slate: Can China be Green?
Slate’s Daniel Gross talks to Peggy Liu about whether China can develop a low-carbon economy. Here’s an idea. What if China could evolve...

Smartplanet: Can the World’s Most Polluting Country be an Ecotourism Pioneer?
Smartplanet’s Gabrielle Jaffe consults Peggy Liu on the prospects of ecotourism in China. Try to picture an eco-paradise. As the world's...

JUCCCE’s Peggy Liu Talks to This Week in Energy About China’s Clean Green Revolution Dream
This Week in Energy podcast has a fascinating discussion with Peggy Liu of JUCCCE on sustainability in China, story telling as an...

L'Officiel Magazine: Woman Who Can Change the World
Peggy Liu and her work at JUCCCE are profiled in the Chinese version of major French magazine l’Officiel. #Press #LOfficiel #Magazine...